Environmental Health Services
After hours emergencies: 845-943-6104
The Environmental Sanitation division conducts activities designed to maintain physical disease barriers, and to improve such conditions where they might affect the overall public health.
Children's Camp - Facility Operators(link is external)
Neighbor Notification Law
The division is responsible for enforcing the Neighbor Notification Law for commercial and residential lawn pesticide applications.
Public Water Supply
The division provides inspections, sampling, monitoring, troubleshooting and technical assistance to water supply systems in the county.
Community Sanitation and Food Protection
The division is responsible for the inspection and issuance of permits for restaurants, temporary food service, hotels, motels, campgrounds, children's camps, residential farm labor camps, bathing beaches and swimming pools, mass gatherings, state and local institutions, to ensure the well-being of those who use the facilities. The division monitors the facilities and investigates complaints, food-borne and water supply-related illnesses, as well as reportable injuries at camps and beaches.
Calorie Info FAQ
Ulster County's Questions and Answers on labeling of calories on menu's of chain restaurants.
Environmental/Occupational Health
The division responds to chemical emergencies, concerns about hazardous waste disposal sites, indoor air complaints and occupational health issues.
The division investigates complaints of rabid animals, submitting specimens to the state laboratory for confirmation, provides follow up for those who have come in contact with rabid animals, and ensures that treatment is provided when needed.
Lyme disease
Monitors Lyme disease cases, identifies ticks, and provides Lyme disease education.
West Nile disease
The division is responsible for monitoring disease indicators, and is a resource for information about prevention techniques.
Tobacco law enforcement
The division is responsible for enforcing tobacco legislation within the county.
What Retailers Need to Know About New York's Youth Access Tobacco Control Laws
For further information about any of these programs and services, please call Environmental Sanitation