Legal Notices
Legal Notice - RFP-UC23-081
NOTICE TO RESPONDERS: Sealed proposals for RFP-UC23-081 REAL PROPERTY AUCTION SERVICES will be received on or before Friday, December 8th at 4:00 PM at the Ulster County Purchasing Department, 100 Development Court, Kingston, NY, 12401.
Legal Notice - RFP-UC23-085
NOTICE TO RESPONDERS: Sealed proposals for RFP-UC23-085 STREET OUTREACH FOR SUBSTANCE USE DISORDER will be received on or before Friday, December 1, 2023 at 4:00 PM at the Ulster County Purchasing Department, 100 Development Court, Kingston, NY.
Legal Notice - RFP-UC23-073
NOTICE TO RESPONDERS: Sealed proposals for RFP-UC23-073 MEDICAL SERVICES FOR THE ULSTER COUNTY JAIL will be received on or before Friday, December 8, 2023 at 4:00 PM at the Ulster County Purchasing Department, 100 Development Court, Kingston, NY.
Legal Notice - RFP-UC23-074
NOTICE TO RESPONDERS: Sealed proposals for RFP-UC23-074 BUS ADVERTISING SERVICES will be received on or before Friday, December 1st at 4:00 PM at the Ulster County Purchasing Department, 100 Development Court, Kingston, NY, 12401.
Legal Notice - SOQ-UC23-079
Revised Return Date
Legal Notice - SOQ-UC23-079
NOTICE TO RESPONDERS: Sealed proposals for SOQ-UC23-079 EMERGENCY AND/OR AFFORDABLE HOUSING DEVELOPER FOR ELIZABETH MANOR will be received on or before Thursday, November 16, 2023 at 4:00 PM at the Ulster County Purchasing Department, 100 Development Court, Kingston, NY, 12401.
Legal Notice - RFP-UC23-077
NOTICE TO RESPONDERS: Sealed proposals for RFP-UC23-077 Financial and Management Consulting Services – UCEDA will be received on or before Thursday, November 16, 2023 at 4:30 PM at the Ulster County Purchasing Department, 100 Development Court, Kingston, NY, 12401.
Legal Notice - RFB-UC23-071
NOTICE TO BIDDERS: Sealed bids will be received, publicly opened and read at the Ulster County Purchasing Department, 100 Development Court, Kingston, NY 12401 on Thursday, November 16, 2023 at 3:00 PM for OFFICE SUPPLIES AND FURNITURE CATALOG, BID #RFB-UC23-071. Specifications and conditions may be obtained at the above address or on our website a
In the Matter of the Foreclosure of Tax Liens by Proceeding In Rem pursuant to Article Eleven of the Real Property Tax Law by Ulster County: Index No. 2021-3086